About Us
Our Mission Statement St. Mary’s Parish is a Eucharistic Community of welcoming , forgiving, and inclusive people. We serve the Lord and the community through the gifts of our time, talents, and treasures. We seek to care for and empower all who come through education, evangelization and action for social justice and worship.

Parish Life
A warm and inviting communal experience, like a family; can be found at St Mary’s Parish. We offer many parish family events including our annual parish picnic, the annual Blessing of pets, the annual Mass for our deceased loved ones, a seasonal breakfast in Spring and Autumn, and Mary’s Angels Banquet to name but a few. Give us a call to find out more. Together we can bring Christ alive in our lives! Bring your gifts and talents to help us grow!
Recent Parish Happenings & Events!
Happy Anniversary Fr. Chris Kaitapu, SS.CC.
Happy 23rd Anniversary of Priesthood to our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Chris Kaitapu, SS.CC. We pray for abundant blessings on your anniversary of priesthood and ask for God’s continued grace upon you and your ministry here at St. Mary’s Parish. Happy Anniversary, Fr....
Merry Christmas
Christmas is a season of hope, peace, joy, and love. Christ came to humankind as a beacon of hope for a new life. He brought peace to our hearts and ensured that we could always remain joyful. When we are filled with joy, we can see love and that is what Christmas is...
Meet our Sacred Hearts Brothers in Formation
The Sacred Hearts Vocation Team is still seeking support for our Sacred Hearts Brothers and continues to pray for more vocations to religious life. Your prayers and support will be a great blessings to the brothers and to the Church as a whole for their "yes". St....
Parish Office Close
Please note that our Parish Office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving (November 28 & 29, 2024)
Annual Thanksgiving Mass
Please be advised that our annual Thanksgiving Mass will be held at 6 PM on Monday, November 25, 2024. Join us as we celebrate and express our gratitude for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us.
Our Lady of La Salette Christmas Festival of Lights.
440 Main Street
Fairhaven, MA
Mailing Address:
41 Harding Road
Fairhaven, MA
Phone: (508)992-7300