About St. Mary’s Parish of Fairhaven, MA

St. Mary’s, founded as a mission of St. Joseph’s, Fairhaven in 1924, was established as a parish in 1933. Since the beginning, St. Mary’s has been entrusted to the pastoral care of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SS.CC.), a world-wide religious congregation of missionary priests, sisters, and brothers serving in more than 40 countries.

Our Mission Statement


St. Mary’s Parish is a Eucharistic Community of welcoming , forgiving, and inclusive people.

We serve the Lord and the community through the gifts or our time, talents, and treasures. 
We seek to care for and empower all who come through education, evangelization and action for social justice and worship.

Our Staff

Fr. Michael "Maiki" Kamauoha, ss.cc

Parochial Administrator

Joyce Iddon


Stevan Piazza

Music Director

Linda DelVal


Fernando “Fred” Pinto

Facilities Manager

Mark Carbral


Rebecca A. Newell

Director of Religious Education



Br. Soane Siua, ss.cc

Seminarian - Pastoral


Stewardship of Time

Stewardship begins with the care of and sharing the gift of time. Time is one of the most precious possessions we have. How we spend our time is perhaps the clearest indication of our progress in a life of Christian discipleship. Time once spent can never be recovered. God gives us the present as a gift to use as good stewards. It means seeing our lives, 24 hours each day, as an opportunity to serve the Lord and to build up the Kingdom of God.


Stewardship of Talent

Stewardship of talent means nurturing, developing and using the God-given abilities which define us as unique individuals. Talents are special blessings each of us has received from a loving Creator who values us as part of His on-going creation. When we volunteer to work for our parish or help our neighbor, we share “who we are” for the good of others. What is your talent?


Stewardship of Treasure

Several of Jesus’ parables mention money or material possessions: the lost coin; the buried treasure; the pearl of great price; the Rich Man and Lazarus…Stewardship of treasure is not about giving to a need, but a need to give. Stewards are Christ-centered rather than self-centered. It is important for us to share what we have because all good things God has made are meant to be shared. It is how we give thanks to a loving God for the many blessings we have received. Giving is a faith response, the response of a faithful disciple.


440 Main Street
Fairhaven, MA


Mailing Address:

41 Harding Road
Fairhaven, MA

Phone: (508)992-7300