About Us
Our Mission Statement St. Mary’s Parish is a Eucharistic Community of welcoming , forgiving, and inclusive people. We serve the Lord and the community through the gifts of our time, talents, and treasures. We seek to care for and empower all who come through education, evangelization and action for social justice and worship.

Parish Life
A warm and inviting communal experience, like a family; can be found at St Mary’s Parish. We offer many parish family events including our annual parish picnic, the annual Blessing of pets, the annual Mass for our deceased loved ones, a seasonal breakfast in Spring and Autumn, and Mary’s Angels Banquet to name but a few. Give us a call to find out more. Together we can bring Christ alive in our lives! Bring your gifts and talents to help us grow!
Recent Parish Happenings & Events!
St. Mary’s Parish next volunteers day at Shepherd’s Pantry
Dorothy Cox Candy Fundraiser
Welcome to St. Mary’s Parish Fr. Chris Kaitapu,ss.cc
On the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Maiki Kamauoha, ss.cc, the Parochial Administrator of St. Mary and St. Joseph, welcomed Fr. Chris Kaitapu, ss.cc, to the parish. Fr. Chris is assigned to work at St. Mary and hails from the Kingdom of Tonga. We are happy to...
Congratulations to the new Provincial Council of the Sacred Hearts – US Province
On Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, the election day for the Provincial Government of the US Province took place during their Provincial Chapter in Hawai’i. Three delegates were elected from the Fairhaven Area: Br. Paul Alves, Fr. David Lupo, and Fr. Maiki Kamauoha, to...
440 Main Street
Fairhaven, MA
Mailing Address:
41 Harding Road
Fairhaven, MA
Phone: (508)992-7300